FAOLEX - Database of laws and regulations regarding FAO's mandate
FAOLEX is a multilingual team summarizes and in many cases translates laws and regulations on topics falling within FAO's mandate - agriculture, cultivated plants, environment, fisheries, food, forestry, land and soil, livestock, water and wild species and ecosystems. Legal information is received by FAO from Member Nations pursuant to Article XI of the FAO Constitution.
"FAOLEX contains treaties, laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources from all over the world. Most of the material comes from the official gazettes sent by FAO's Member Nations pursuant to Article XI of the FAO Constitution, for the receipt of which FAO is indeed grateful. Upon receiving such material, the FAO Legal Office selects, indexes and summarizes in English, French or Spanish significant texts pertaining to FAO’s mandate, i.e. legislation on agriculture, livestock, environment gen., fisheries, food, forestry, land & soil, cultivated plants, water and wild species & ecosystems. Records are provided in either English, French or Spanish or the language of communication used by the originating country."
URL - http://faolex.fao.org/faolex/index.htm
"FAOLEX contains treaties, laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources from all over the world. Most of the material comes from the official gazettes sent by FAO's Member Nations pursuant to Article XI of the FAO Constitution, for the receipt of which FAO is indeed grateful. Upon receiving such material, the FAO Legal Office selects, indexes and summarizes in English, French or Spanish significant texts pertaining to FAO’s mandate, i.e. legislation on agriculture, livestock, environment gen., fisheries, food, forestry, land & soil, cultivated plants, water and wild species & ecosystems. Records are provided in either English, French or Spanish or the language of communication used by the originating country."
URL - http://faolex.fao.org/faolex/index.htm
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