CIARD RING - Access to Agricultural Reasearch for Development
The CIARD Routemap to Information Nodes and Gateways (RING) is a global registry of web-based services that give access to any kind of information pertaining to agricultural research for development (ARD). It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information providers to register their services in various categories and so facilitate the discovery of sources of agriculture-related information across the world. The RING aims to provide an infrastructure to improve the accessibility of the outputs of agricultural research and of information relevant to ARD management.
The CIARD RING is a project implemented within the Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) initiative and is led by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR).
The CIARD RING is a project implemented within the Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) initiative and is led by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR).
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June 21, 2012
Subject: Unauthorized Management Practices of Suspect Lethal Yellowing in Palms in Antigua and Barbuda
The majority of palms in Antigua are currently being affected by an agent (or agents) that has (have) caused the death of some plants to date and has caused yellowing in others. The Plant Protection Unit and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board in the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment recently enlisted the assistance of a palm expert, to sample trees island-wide have been sampled and sent off for testing in order to confirm the cause of the problem. It is expected that the results of these tests will be available in another week. The Plant Protection Unit will inform the general public of the results thus obtained, inclusive of strategies to manage the problem. The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing and the Environment wishes to reiterate that the cause of the problem has yet to be confirmed.
It has recently come to the attention of the Plant Protection Unit and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board that there are operatives who have been informing palm owners that the disease is lethal yellowing and who have been advocating and actually applying the antibiotic ox tetracycline hydrochloride to palms, inclusive of coconut. We wish to inform that this is an illegal activity as the product has not been registered for use in Antigua and Barbuda. In addition, improper application and use of this product can lead to serious health issues in children and other persons who consume i.e, coconuts taken from treated trees.
The general public is asked to take serious note of this situation and further asked to note that the Plant Protection Unit will advise on strategies to deal with this problem as soon as confirmation of the cause of the problem has been received.
Please contact the undersign for any further questions.
Ms . Wendy Tittle
Communications Coordinator
The Ministry Agriculture, Lands,
Housing and Environment
Queen Elizabeth Highyway
St. John's
Cell: 268-720-2588
Fax: 268-562-1303